skelton family
My paternal grandfather's family, (Jurn Uel Skelton), can be found living in the US Mid-Atlantic area in the mid 1700's. Thomas Skelton, Sr, was born in Virginia and died in Pendleton District, South Carolina.
Phillips family
My paternal grandmother's family, (Lola Estelle Phillips), can be found living in New England in the late 1600s. Thomas Phillips was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Northhampton, North Carolina.
Brown family
My maternal grandfather's family, (Marion Charleston Brown), has been the most difficult for me to trace. I run into a road block with Mansel W. Brown. He was killed during the US Civil War.
dean family
My maternal grandmother's family, (Omie Dean), also can be traced back to the New England states. Benjamin Dean was born and died in Massachusetts.